Then a specialised team of movers will be assembled. they can manage and carry out the project in the right way from start to finish. This way we can always work efficient, we are good at customised removals.Jan de Jong Movers optimises the logistic and administrative processes and does so with help of a digitalised inventory. With the help of this innovative method the procedures, prices, and quality criteria will be mapped out, and as a result, the fee will be lower. Have a look here to see our checklist for a project removal.
You may expect the following of us:
Source: (Dutch Website)
Jan de Jong Movers holds ISO-9001-2008, VCA*, and ISO 14001. Jan de Jong Movers is also in possession of the accreditation EPV. With these certificates and accreditations, a careful and successful project removal can be guaranteed.
We often get questions about the costs of a removal. We look at each project as a customised project and decide on the removal costs by mutual agreement. We find it very important to be able to offer services for every kind of budget. Read more about the structure of our costs and a few tips to save money.
(Un)packing your belongings is a time consuming job. Jan de Jong Movers would like to pack your belongings for you and makes sure they will also be unpacked in the right place at your new premises.
Onze verhuismaterialen zorgen ervoor dat elke verhuizing aangenaam en soepel verloopt. Door de huur van onze verhuismaterialen, kunt u efficiënt en veilig uw huisraad of zakelijke inventaris naar uw nieuwe onderkomen verhuizen of (tijdelijk) opslaan.
Groningen, Assen, Eelde en Appingedam. Uiteraard kunnen wij ook zakelijke verhuizingen realiseren in andere plaatsen zoals: Hoogezand, Sappemeer, Zuidbroek, Peize, Zuidhorn, Bedum, Paterswolde, Hoogkerk, Eelderwolde, Glimmen, Ter Borch, Tynaarlo en Meerstad.
Wendie is happy to help with all your questions about your upcoming moveis happy to help you.
Request a quote immediately