Do I qualify for days off / leave during my removal

Moving house is not easy. You will spend a lot of time preparing and planning before the removal. And then the actual removal still has to take place! All together, moving house will take a lot out of your budget. In some CBAs, labour agreements or company regulations, this is taken into account, and you can apply for special leave for removals.

Qualifying for special removal leave

Leave for removal is not legally arranged. Employers, and branches of industries can arrange for this themselves. In general, all employees can apply for two days of special leave. Whether or not this can also be used for a removal is different for each labour agreement. The amount of days can also differ. If your right for special leave during removals is not part of the CBA you can find it in your labour agreement of the company regulations. You can also ask your employer or human resources. You can apply for your special leave with them as well.


Using your special leave wisely

When you qualify for special leave during your removal, you will be paid (almost) in full during these days and you will have to scarify your regular days off. This is very nice, because moving house is expensive enough as is!


On top of this, you would also like to have some days off for when you are finally settled into your new home. You can use this time well to enjoy your new home and to take the time to rest. To use your special leave in the best way possible, it is wise to schedule these days right before the weekend. This way, you will have at least two days after the moving day to clean your old house and to make your new house feel like home!


Do you not qualify for special leave?

If a removal does not qualify as special leave you can of course spend your own days off to the removal or plan everything during the weekend. You can also choose to outsource part of your removal. This may cost you money, but it will save you time, stress, and regular days off. Also, you can choose what you outsource to a moving company. There is a vast difference in price if you only have them transport packed boxes compared to when they also have to disassemble and pack the entire household effect. Apart from that, the distance and the number of volume that needs moving plays an important role in the pricing. Ask for a quote and you can take your time to think about how much a calm, quick, and stress-free removal is worth to you!

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