Preparing for the move

I am moving house. What do I have to take care of?


What does a transfer entail?


What does it mean to leave your house in broom clean condition?


When do I need to arrange for gas, water and electricity in my new house?


When do I need to register with the local authority?


How do I prepare for my moving day?


Is it possible for Jan de Jong to pack my household or business inventory for me?


Do I need to arrange a parking permit for the moving day


How long can I use moving boxes for?


Do you rent moving lifts?

Contact us for a no-obligation quoteNo-obligation quote?

Mart is happy to help with all your questions about your upcoming moveis happy to help you.

Request a quote immediatelyRequest a quote immediately Call us: 050 - 313 91 49Call us Mart Dijkstra Mart Dijkstra